Working with colour, out of colour

“A whole world opened and showed me colour as a living being.”


Central to Steiner’s approach to colour, is that form arises out of colour, not that colour is attached to form. But how do we paint ‘out of colour’ and not form? To answer these questions, we start with Goethe’s colour circle as our guide. Using the immersive wet-on-wet watercolour technique, we explore the qualities and gestures of each colour of the wheel.

This short intensive gives you a grounding in the fundamental principles of the anthroposophic approach, which underlie all schools and courses who use this philosophy, including the Steiner curriculum.

Goethe proposed a revolutionary method of approaching the phenomena of colour, one which integrates the observer with the experience. Further, Goethe was concerned with the qualities of colours, which he called the ‘deeds and sufferings of the light’. By immersing our senses in the colours, we come a deep, intuitive relationship with them that connects us more strongly to both the physical and soul worlds.

  • For Steiner (Waldorf) teachers who want to deepen their understanding of colour (PD certificates available).
  • For anyone interested in the foundations of the anthroposophic approach to art, colour and painting. 

This short intensive is also part of the Art as a Path of Schooling for the Soul training.

2 March-6 April, Saturdays 4pm-5.30pm AEDT
Six weekly sessions plus video recording

$170 AUD/$120 USD
$190 AUD for PD certificate

Video recording included in the fee, available for three months.

The payment options, Zoom link, a list of materials and suggested readings will be sent to you after booking.

Feature image: Goethe’s symmetric colour wheel with associated symbolic qualities (1809)

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